Askja, Herdubreidarlindir & Holuhraun Private tour

Askja, Herdubreidarlindir & Holuhraun Private tour
Categories: Surfing, Bikinis
1768.7 GBP
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Private Jeep Tour for up to 8 passengers!The river Grafarlandaá will be our first sight, as this crystal clear river exits from under the lava field to form a small waterfall at the ford.Next stopp.Herðurbreiðarlindir oasis is located near Mt. Herðubreið and is know for its natural beauty.Next stopp Askja.An enormous eruption began on March 29, 1875. This eruption is called Öskjugos 1875. After the eruption ended there was a great deal of subsidence in Askja, and then Öskjuvatn was formed. On the eastern bank of Öskjuvatn you will come to find crater Víti.a 2,4 km hike from leading us the crater Víti and the Lake of Askja.Bring along a swimsuit and a towel. You will be able to swim in crater Víti.The water can be 24-28 ° C.Next stopp. The most recent volcanic eruption in Iceland is the Holuhraun volcanic eruption in Barðabunga that started on the 29th of August 2014 - and lasted until the 27th of February 2015.Our last stop of the day is the waterfall Glúfrasmiður