ATV QUAD, Super Moto Marine Buggy Car, Snorkeling, Snacks - Marsa Alam

ATV QUAD, Super Moto Marine Buggy Car, Snorkeling, Snacks - Marsa Alam
Categories: Surfing, Wetsuits
43.8 GBP
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First you will drive your quad bike for 1 hour about 25-30 km away in between the mountains of the Eastern desert to Bedouin village to enjoy visiting a Bedouin tribe and get to know more about their life and traditions, You will have a chance to try a Bedouin tea and smoke a water pipe. You will also enjoy 15 minutes buggy car , know and enjoy even more the wonderful visions of the desert. Sandwiches is offered to give you power . Enjoy one hour snorkeling with equipment. Finally you will be transferred back to your Hotel.