Bali Blue Lagoon Snorkeling Included Lunch Transport and waterfall

Bali Blue Lagoon Snorkeling Included Lunch Transport and waterfall
Categories: Surfing, Wetsuits
24.96 GBP
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blue lagoon beach, Blue Lagoon Beach has large and coarse white sand and has an amazing natural underwater beauty, you can find murray, morish idols, cows, and sometimes turtles and even reef sharks.tanjung jepun; Tanjung Jepun, is a beach that has a depth that is not too deep, and the uniqueness of Tanjung Jepun has beautiful fish and you can take it by hand,coffee plantation; here you can see and taste traditional Balinese coffee making by sharing flavors,Tegenungan waterfall, located strategically on the tourist route Sukawati - Ubud, Tegenungan waterfall attraction in Gianyar is high, only around 15 meters, the water is clear, so if you can get closer, you can feel the freshness of Tegenungan waterfall, water vapor flying over the faces of visitors plus the beauty of the rock cliffs