Descending from the top of Transfagarasan on the bicycle

Descending from the top of Transfagarasan on the bicycle
Categories: Street, Shoes
153.73 GBP
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This is a private activity of descending the Fagaras mountain on the Transfăgărășan highway on bicycles. We take you from Bucharest and drive three hours up the mountain with the mini-van. There we take the bikes out of the trunk and prepare for the descent.We will go on the road (on the bike) maximum 50km, each goes as much as he can, then it will be picked up by the mini-van. After we finished we visit the Vidraru dam and dine near the fortress of Vlad the Impaler. We can also pedal after lunch if we are not tired. In the end we go back to Bucharest.