Save 15.00%! 4x4 jeep tour by waterfalls & destilleries

Save 15.00%! 4x4 jeep tour by waterfalls & destilleries
Categories: Snow Surfs, Free Surfer
19.16 GBP
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Make an adventure tour in 4x4 vehicles, visiting amazing waterfalls, enjoy a little trek taking incredible photos of the beautiful landscapes along the way.Take advantage to take a dip in crystal clear waters while interacting with the local culture.Learn to make “surf na pedra” together with the local residents and experience the varieties of cachaça, knowing each step in the production process.Our stops will be as follows:Cachoeira da Pedra Branca, Alambique da Pedra Branca, Engenho D’Ouro Restaurant, beginning of Estrada do Ouro, Cachoeira do Tobogán e Tarzan, and Igreja da Penha located at the top of a large rock that allows an incredible view of the local landscape