St. John PiZZA Pi Snorkel Sail with Beach Stop, Lunch & Open Bar - Westin

St. John PiZZA Pi Snorkel Sail with Beach Stop, Lunch & Open Bar - Westin
Categories: Surfing, Wetsuits
131.81 GBP
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Join us aboard one of our luxury catamarans, as we set sail for the best snorkeling destinations surrounding St. John. Start the day with a sail to an offshore cay for premier snorkeling. In addition to fruit, salads, and cookies, our main lunch will be pizza from the Virgin Island’s ONLY floating food boat, PiZZA Pi, VI. We also include an open bar and snorkeling gear for this three-quarter day adventure. After lunch, we sail another beautiful snorkel stop for some additional snorkeling and beach time! This kid-friendly snorkeling tour in the Virgin Islands is perfect for guests of all ages!