Tangalle surf school

Tangalle surf school
58.16 GBP
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“Waves are not measured in feet and inches, they are measured in increments of fear.You won’t forget the first wave you will ride and enjoy in Tangalle !Our Team Sam & Lasi makes sure you will learn how to surf in a fun & safe environment.All Beginners will learn in waist deep water to ride small waves.We will take you to spots based on your skill level: easy beach breaks for our beginners,( Blue Beach ) beach breaks & easy reef breaks for our intermediate (Hirikatiya)surfers and more challenging spots for our advanced surfers. We have plenty of spots.Not only teaching the skills of surfing is our main goal, also ocean awareness, reading wave conditions, surf etiquette & everything you have to know to enjoy the sport & the water.We are always right next to you in the water keeping you safe, analyzing your style, helping to improve and most important: celebrating your waves!We are providing surf lessons for everyone: all ages, all sizes, all gender, all nations!