Two Days tour to Galle and Mirissa

Two Days tour to Galle and Mirissa
Categories: Snow Surfs, Free Surfer
229.3 GBP
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Pearl of Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka is famous for its small islands, picturesque beaches and plethora of activities associated with the water that includes whale watching, snorkeling, surfing and others. This two days tour includes most attractive and popular itineraries in Galle and Mirissa. Situated on the southwest coast of Sri Lanka, the city of Galle and Mirissa are the go-to destinations for many travelers on this marvelous island. With its beautiful collection of Dutch colonial buildings and rocky coastline, Galle exudes charm and sophistication as well as a unique cultural identity, shaped by centuries of different influences. Visit a turtle hatchery, experience the beauty of old dutch colonial buildings, visit the Maritime archaeological museum and Go on an exciting whale watching boat safari in Mirissa.