Surfers Fight the Wave of Plastic Pollution

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BY Sheila ON 26 Nov 2022

Surfers Fight the Wave of Plastic Pollution

Our oceans are facing a growing crisis as over 12 million tonnes of plastic pollution pour into the big blue every year. Aquatic creatures, big and small, are all being harmed by the overwhelming presence of plastic in the ocean. Plastic endangers aquatic life when they ingest it and get entangled in it.

We Sure Did Start This Fire

Plastic pollution is the most obvious example of the negative impact of humans on the ocean. Humans are now also suffering as a result of the ocean’s pollution. Microplastics have been found in all sea produce, from fish to salt to seaweed. Plastic has devastating effects on human health, including causing cancer and disrupting hormones.

Being in such close contact with the ocean, surfers watched their beloved waters and beaches transforming from their pure, pristine state to literal oceans of trash before their eyes. Surfers were not going to remain silent on what they were witnessing and were among the first groups to demand attention and action on the pollution crisis.

The Long Journey to Restoration

Surfers from around the world have united to push back the wave of pollution. From famous icons like Kelly Slater and Jack Johnson, to local UK group, Surfers Against Sewage, cleanup projects have been launched to restore beaches and oceans. Surfers are pressuring corporations and lawmakers to stop the production and dumping of plastic as cleanup alone won’t be sufficient.